A Nursing School Survival Pack…made by a kindergarten teacher

My fiancé, who is a primary school teacher (kindergarten at the moment), surprised me with a Nursing School Survival Pack – a little pack full of things that will help me get through the ups & downs of a nursing degree.

It is such a fun and thoughtful gesture and it made me realise that in him I have a supportive partner who is willing to put up with me throughout the stressful times that I will face during this nursing degree. Not only will he put up with me, but he will try to reduce some of the stress I face, all whilst facing his own stresses and challenges as a primary school teacher. And this is one of the many reasons I love him!

A little joke from within the care pack…

Q:  What did one light bulb say to the other?
A:  I love you a whole watt!

The gallery below showcases his handiwork.

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Nurse Uncut

Musings of a student nurse from Sydney, Australia

James Arvanitakis

Musings of a student nurse from Sydney, Australia


The online home of Paul McNamara: Nurse. Educator. Digital Citizen.


Opines & Fading Memories


Adventures of a nursing student

Ramblings of a student nurse

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The Student Nurse Converse

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Trying to live a creative life

Nursing Adventures

The Exciting World Of Nursing

Nursing and Respiratory Care

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